Many apologies for lack of updates recently, my Masters is kind of taking over my life. I finish lectures in a few weeks for the Easter break & after that I have the whole of summer to write an 18,000 word dissertation. It is unlikely that I will spend 24/7 on this, for the sake of my sanity, so perhaps a little bit of creative stuff will be possible (I am really hoping so).
Anyhow, as part of my course I have been doing a work placement at Whitworth Art Gallery, a lovely place which is part of the University of Manchester. It is also the place where I realised I had my first and only bout of flu, aged around 10. I have been looking at (and cataloguing) all the amazing old textile books in their library, and came across one about 1950s fabric design. I thought I would share a few of the designs I liked best:
These are all by Lucienne Day:

I love this style so much. I went to the Museum of Science & Industry in Manchester recently and they had a mock-up '50s style room with fabric like this on the sofas. I wanted pretty much everything there.
Anyway, hopefully I will have more to update with soon!