In May, I am going to see Pavement. This is deeply exciting.
When I was around thirteen, I used to listen to Steve
Lamaq's radio show on radio 1 and whenever I heard a song I liked, I would press "record" on my little cassette player. I ended up with these bizarre and fairly awkward-sounding tapes, full of stuff from genres I later realised I didn't like (e.g. metal) and bands who I never learned the names of. There were songs I would listen to over and over, and when I was around seventeen I finally learned that one of my favourites was by a band named Pavement. The moral of this riveting story is that Pavement are really rather good. Broken Social Scene are supporting too. I saw them on Valentine's day probably around four or five years ago and they played for about two and a half hours, which was kind of too long, but enjoyable nonetheless.

I have other exciting news too.....I am going to be a student again! And I am moving cities! At the end of June, I will be making the epic journey back across the pennines to sunny old Manchester. Leeds has been a wonderful home for me since just shy of my nineteenth birthday, but the times, they are a-changing. General excitement ensues.
Apologies for the general irrelevance of this post.